The Gospel of John, Chapter 12

Six (6) days before Jesus’s final Passover
He returns to Bethany,
where Lazarus had been raised from the dead
and his 2 sisters responded temperamentally.

Martha was serving them dinner
perhaps to honor Lazarus who Jesus raised from the dead
at the home of Simon the Leper (Matthew 26:6 and Mark 14:3),
both reminders of the Great Physician’s reversing their human dread.

Mary took her very expensive perfume (*1)
and did what the lowliest slave usually did,
poured it on Jesus’s feet and head (verse 3, Matthew 26:7, Mark 14:3)
and wiped His feet clean with the hair on her head. (*2)

The thief and Lord’s betrayer Judas Iscariot
who just might have been Simon’s son
complained that the perfume should have been sold,
proceeds given to the poor, but more likely for his consumption. (verses 4-6)

Jesus said, leave her alone
for she’s preparing my body for burial
and the poor will always be with you
but you will not always have Me, (verses 7-8)
a gentle hint at His soon departure.

“You must sit at His feet,
or you will never anoint them;
He must pour His divine teaching into you,
or you will never pour out a precious ointment upon Him.” (*3)

Many Jews were there to catch a glimpse of Lazarus
since they knew Jesus was there
and now the Jewish chief priests wanted to murder him also
since their followers knew of the miracle and leaving their lair.

Jesus was Jewish but not kosher enough
so were they the original anti-semites since Pilate had written
“Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (John 19:19)
and to add to their guilt cried out,
“Crucify Him!,” Caesar’s our only King. (John 19:15)

The next day, they laid “branches of the palm tree (*4)
and went out to meet Him” (verse 13)
Zechariah had prophecied “Your King is coming, seated on a donkeys colt”, (Zechariah 9:9)
which was exactly how Jesus entered Jerusalem.

But let’s remember, all Jews aren’t Pharisee’s
and some are part of the Lord’s family
for they also believe Christ is King
and others will believe at the Lion of Judah’s coming.

Many went out to greet Him
after being told He raised Lazarus from the dead
and the Pharisee’s were devastated saying
“look,the world has gone after Him.” (verse 19)

Some Greeks wanted to meet the Savior
and asked Philip if he could help
but when he and Andrew went to ask Jesus, He answered,
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” (verse 23) (*5)

Could His answer be a message
that soon the Gentiles would be welcomed in,
the Cross of Jesus is all inclusive
but His resurrection power required they bury Him. (verse 24)

Then Jesus proclaims “But for this purpose I came to this hour
Father glorify Your name” and the Father spoke from heaven
“I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again” (verses 27-28)
for “now the ruler of this world will be cast out”
and I “will draw all people to Myself.” (verses 31-32)

But inspite of this awesome message
many refused to see the Light
for their eyes had now been blinded
and their hearts as cold as ice. (verses 37-41)

Mason Swinney

(*1) The perfume was spikenard from India and valued at a years wages for a working man.
(*2) Matthew 26:13 and Mark 14:9 add to Mary’s loving gift, “Verily, I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, their shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.”
(*3) Prose from Charles H. Spurgeon
(*4) “Palm branches were a symbol of Jewish nationalism since the time of the Maccabees” (Commentaries-David Guzik)
(*5) Jesus answers their question by saying in verse 32 if I am lifted up I will draw all people to Myself which, of course, included the Greeks, Gentiles.

About menmourningmoments

I'm happily married, the Father of 2 sons, 2 daughters and 6 beautiful grandchildren. Death is all around us but somehow we've managed to distance ourselves from it. Men, Women, Moments is about how the death of my son awakened me to life & the desire to seize every moment as though it were my last. It's about making sense of life in the good times and bad and allowing GOD to carry me and teach me through the hard times in life.
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