“Our Place” (John 11: 48)

“Our Place” is how Pharisee’s saw the temple,
not God’s but their’s,
this idolatry would lead to their boiling
for they planned to kill “The Lord is There”. (*1)

Everyone must give an answer
to who’s the Son of Man?
Here we see the Spiritual choosing wisely
while those just looking turned Him in. (verse 46)

Some are called, the rest uncaring,
both saw the miracles, heard His teaching,
only those whose spirits were quickened
believed He was El Shaddai.

Now their guilts way beyond evil
for before they doubted He’s Messiah,
now wanted Him dead because He Is. (verses 46-48) and John 10:25)

“Now the Passover of the Jews was near” (verse 55)
and Jerusalem filling up with those coming early
to purify themselves for the feast,
wondering if Jesus would come or not (verse 56)
while the Chief Priests and Pharisee’s were trying to arrest Him. (verse 57)

Their idol soon to be demolished
just as Jesus the Christ had said (*2)
for this temple had become an idol
and Messiah had paid sins cost.

The Holy of Holies veil torn in two (*3)
so for Christian’s, a rebuilt temple’s no longer needed,
it’s been replaced by the Perfect Temple, the Son of Man, (John 1:14, 2:22)
the only Spotless Lamb of God’s been sacrificed
and the Perfect High Priest offered up the Perfect Paschal Lamb

and His blood, His resurrection,
defeated satan, sin and death
as His Kingdom Warriors disciple nations,
His brides wedding gown is His Righteousness,
her veil the Holy Spirit
and all the Father’s Plan.

Mason Swinney

(*1) One of God’s names in the Bible is Jehovah Shammah which means “The Lord is There”.
(*2) The temples destruction was foretold by Jesus in Matthew 24 and His prophecy fulfilled by the Romans in 70 AD.
(*3) The veils tearing is described in Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45. The veil was torn in two from top to bottom proving it was done by God and all believers now have direct access to Him.

About menmourningmoments

I'm happily married, the Father of 2 sons, 2 daughters and 6 beautiful grandchildren. Death is all around us but somehow we've managed to distance ourselves from it. Men, Women, Moments is about how the death of my son awakened me to life & the desire to seize every moment as though it were my last. It's about making sense of life in the good times and bad and allowing GOD to carry me and teach me through the hard times in life.
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